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Birthday Party Pony Rides


We offer horse riding birthday parties for your horse crazy kid! 


Ages 2-12


1 hour


$50 per child, 1-3 children. ( Each child get their own horse for the hour)

$40 per child, 3-6 children. ( 2 Children per horse for the hour, take turns riding )


Horses will be saddle, decorated and ready to ride! 

We will have some Happy Birthday decoration around the pasture to help celebrate this special day!


Requirement: Liability waiver MUST be signed by a legal guardian  of each child riding.

Helmets are required while riding the horses. We have helmets available for purchase or bicycle helmets brought from home, will work as well.


To help remember this special day, the birthday kid will receive a free shirt. We have shirts available for purchase at a discounted price of $10/shirt for any other participants. Please let me know sizes before hand and I'll have them ready at the party.

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To sign up follow these 2 simple steps:
1) Please read, print and sign our liability waiver.  Waiver MUST be signed before participants are allowed to handle or ride the horses. This includes ALL children that will be riding a horse.
2) Contact Dianne for available Birthday Party spots

Birthday Parties are held May-September 

Updated 7/5/22

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