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Trail Rides​


Trail Ride

Welcome to C&C Trail Rides!

What we offer:

We offer trail rides to our more advanced students. Trail rides will include saddling/unsaddling horses, a ride up Birch or Smithfield Canyon, small picnic, and ride back. Students must be able to show that they are capable of walking, trotting, and loping our horses before being eligible to participate in our trail rides. These qualifications must be demonstrated in at least one of our riding lessons prior to signing up for the course. 



All students participating in trail rides must have a helmet, no exceptions. Students of all ages are welcome to participate provided they can pass the walk, trot, lope test prior to signing up for the class. This is a fun opportunity for students to get out of their element and put their skills to the test. Safety is our number one priority so students will be instructed on proper safety and handling procedures while away from the arena.


What to Expect on a Trail Ride:

While each trail ride will be a little different, students can expect to show up and be assigned a horse. They will then tack their horse, once everyone is tacked up and we have discussed our safety procedures, then we will be ready to go. Trail rides are done up Smithfield Canyon.


What you'll need for the trail ride:

Long pants, Lace up shoes or boots, Riding helmet, water bottle (24oz -40oz), a snack for the picnic, and a coat appropriate for the weather or sunscreen.

Some recommended snacks:

  • granola bars are good

  • Trail mix is another good one

  • You can bring fruits but know they may get bruised in the saddle packs

  • We don’t recommend things that need to be refrigerated (we don’t have a way to keep things cold)

  • We also don’t recommend anything that could be squished as room in the saddle packs can get tight and contents will get jostled around 

  • Carrots, celery, apples, oranges

  • Possibly cheese sticks

  • Beef jerky 

  • Fruit strips

  • Gold fish

  • Cheese-It’s


Where do we meet for the trail ride?

We will meet at 57 North 200 East Smithfield, Utah 84335 where the other lessons are taught. Then we will head out to Smithfield Canyon.


How long is the trail ride?

Students are expected to show up at 8:00 am

Tacking up should take about 10-15 min for our more experienced riders. Then the walk to Smithfield Canyon takes about 20 min. It will take us about 1½ hours to reach the lunch area of the trail where we plan to have a 10-20 min picnic. We then expect it to take roughly 1½  hours to get back and another 5-10 to untack the horses.

How much does the trail ride cost?

In order to cover expenses such as shoeing the horses and extra grain to keep them healthy and strong enough to do these rides we charge $125/student. This does mean however that the instructors are doing this voluntarily so please tip. IF YOU ENJOYED YOUR RIDE, KISS YOUR HORSE AND TIP YOUR GUIDE! 

Payment is due BEFORE the lesson (tips may be made after), no later than scheduled start time. We accept: cash, check or Venmo. Checks made out to Dianne Campbell. Tips may be given directly to the instructor or added to the payment made to Dianne and she will give it to the instructor.

Updated 5/3/23

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